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About Us
We are Yayasan Sinar Harapan (Bali), which translates into “ Light of Hope (Bali)” in English and I would like to thank you very very much for taking interest in what we do and in the wonderful people who walk the corridors of our center everyday.
The idea, of what was to become the organization we have dedicated ourselves too, was sparked from the simple conversations between individuals. My fellow founders and myself all have had previous working experience in charitable organisations within Bali and abroad, (more…)
Latest Activity
our visit to Bali Humanity Care Foundation
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What We Do
Jl. Taman Sari Madu No. 6
Teuku Umar Barat
Denpasar, Bali Indonesia
Contact Info
Mobile: +62 81999066615
Copyright © 2015. Yayasan Sinar Harapan Bali